...and i was like, wth dgn mamat ni tapi i tgk je la..not my fren pon
"tu la ko..lom mendalami ilmu lg..ko duk uia
lepas tu, xpasal2 he continued lg..
"takkan la aku taktaw pasal muzik ni..dh bape kali kat mktb aku asyik dak muzik je kene maen...jemu dh..."
and yeah i was pissed...i checked his profile later after that, and i ingatkan dia nih ade bachelor of music ke ape ke tapi xde plak maybe dia mmg dah ade talent semula jadi dalam music nih dat is why i think dia bleh cakap camtu kat org laen yg baru blaja...
Actually, i xfaham tau kenapa org lain nk merendah2kan org yg baru blaja or org yg xsehebat mana pon…suma manusia perlu hebat dlm satu jenis perkara je ke? Xkan…??
Rase cam nk maki je dat guy yg cakap camtu.. dude, my fren is a beginner laa..adoyai…
tapi I xdela rajin sgt nk gaduh2 ngan a stranger dalam web..
I was surprised, camni ke prangai SOME of people yg hebat dlm music? I pon xhebat, I admit I xhebat langsung playing the instrument and I mmg xhebat pon in music, I can’t even read music notes!! Tapi I bersyukur sbb dapat pegang and kenal music dgn lebih mendalam after I join ICU…
All I hope is give us org2 yg xhebat mcm u all a chance or space to learn by ourselves… ironically, I agree org2 yg hebat menjadi hebat because of an amazing effort they put to learn..but please, there are people in this world who need their own time and space to gain whut u could in just a short period of time..
Kinda boring story huh? Haha sorry..
Tetibe teringat kat satu show tu, I received a message from a fren (non-ICUs) after the show, he said, “nape hujung lagu tu cam lain macam je” and I was down at first coz I was wondering why people are looking for mistakes rather than enjoying the show??? Tapi, mmg I ada wat salah pon maybe sbb xcukup effort lah, xcukup training lah, xde kesungguhan lah mcm org2 sekeliling cakap (which is true pon) so I said to that fren of mine,
p/s: each person has their own way!! **asal cam emo je aku nih? huhuhu babai
cam budak2 la gaduh2..banyak lagi prgrame yang boleh di majukan bersama..kalau setakat benda macam nie nak panas dah,macamana nak menghadapi lagi dugaan yang lebih hebat...kalau tak puas hati ngan mamat tuh,bitau dia cakap aper tak kena...ni sampai bila tak kesudahan..memang ko x hebat la sebab ko cakap dalam blog jer...aku rasa ko patut tegur mamat tuh..tuh lebih baik dari cakap belakang...aper da...benda simple tak yah la besar2kan..nak gaduh lak,,,ingat senang ker nak bersatu...kalau ko rasa ko tak leh terima teguran atau x nak berkawan dengan org ko sorang2 jer la..x yah nak hasut2 org pulak...key..sori kalau terkasar bahasa..fikir2kanlah...papai..